Interested Gentlemen

Anti-Hazing Policy

These Hands Don’t Haze

La Unidad Latina, Lambda Upsilon Lambda Fraternity, Incorporated has historically maintained that mental and physical abuse have no place in our NEW MEMBER EDUCATION PROCESS. Our New Member Education Process is intended to foster true Hermandad. Acts of hazing or other mental and physical abuse, in addition to running counter to everything La Fraternidad holds dear, threaten to undermine the integrity of La Fraternidad. The actions of a few wayward Hermanos could potentially harm the welfare of our entire organization. Therefore, La Unidad Latina, Lambda Upsilon Lambda Fraternity, Incorporated UNEQUIVOCALLY PROHIBITS any acts of “hazing” and Every Hermano should be required to report any such incidents; failure to do so can subject them to be similarly reprimanded to any Hermano that engages is such conduct. Report such incidents to the Board of Trustees and National Council.

The Fraternity’s official Anti-Hazing Policy is below:

La Unidad Latina, Lambda Upsilon Lambda Fraternity, Inc. (“Fraternity”) is a non-hazing fraternal organization.  It does not require the men undergoing the membership intake process (“Caballeros”), otherwise the New Member Education Process (“NEW MEMBER EDUCATION PROCESS”), to be subjected to any form of hazing activity in order to become a member of the Fraternity.  Consistent with the Fraternity’s and college and university campuses’ anti-hazing guidelines, rules, regulations, and policies, and local and state anti-hazing laws, any form of physically, mentally, or verbally humiliating, demeaning, insulting, intimidating, disgraceful, and abusive activity is hazing, and therefore strictly prohibited.  Any submission to, approval of, or direct or indirect participation in any form of hazing activity violates the Fraternity’s anti-hazing policy.  Accordingly, any individual undergoing the NEW MEMBER EDUCATION PROCESS who violates the Fraternity’s anti-hazing policy will be immediately suspended from undergoing the NEW MEMBER EDUCATION PROCESS. Further, any current member, otherwise “Hermano”, who violates the Fraternity’s anti-hazing policy will be subject to disciplinary action, including immediate deactivation from the Fraternity and the stripping of any and all rights and privileges belonging to a member of the Fraternity.  Indeed, the Fraternity vehemently opposes and does not condone any form of hazing activity.

The Board of Trustees and National Council define “hazing” as requiring or asking a Caballero (pledge) to:

(1) Act in a way that is demeaning, embarrassing, or discomforting to the individual;

(2) Participate in any action that recklessly or intentionally endangers mental or physical health;

(3) Consume alcohol or other drugs; or

(4) Perform any act that may be seen as contrary to federal, state, local laws, or the chapter’s university campus code of conduct. Individuals, either inside or outside of La Fraternidad, should report possible acts of hazing to the Board of Trustees or identify the chapter and/or Hermanos involved. The Board of Trustees and National Council have the responsibility and the authority to investigate reports of hazing and assess penalties in accordance with the severity of the act. These regulations against hazing apply to all Hermanos as well as all chapters.

The penalties for Hermanos found to be in violation of these regulations include, but are not limited to the following:

  1. Suspension of active Hermano status for no less than one year.
  2. A fine of no less than $200 dollars payable to La Fraternidad.
  3. Full deactivation from La Fraternidad as stipulated in the Bylaws.

The penalties for chapters found to be in violation of these regulations include, but are not limited to the following:

  1. Suspension of all pledging rights and privileges for at least one year.
  2. Suspension of active chapter status for no less than one year.
  3. A fine of no less than $500 dollars payable to La Fraternidad.
  4. Full revocation of the offending chapter’s charter.

Note: These penalties will be final and irreversible.